Communications Directive

November 9, 2021

This directive is intended to provide the membership of the Ontario Courthouse Libraries Association (OCLA) with a clear understanding of OCLA’s official communications policy, both within the organization, and with LSO, LiRN, and FOLA.

As OCLA is an independent and self-directed organization, funded by the individual county and district law library staff memberships, all communications between members should be kept strictly confidential. This includes e-mail, bulletin-board, or any other form of communication.

OCLA recognizes the financial support of LiRN Inc., and as such, we endorse the use of LiRN communications protocols as guidelines.

Should an occasion arise when direct communication is required between members of OCLA and LiRN or any other related organization, the following communication protocol is to be followed:

  • Any concerns or issues are brought to the attention of the OCLA Chair OR a member of the OCLA executive
  • The Chair, or designated member of the OCLA Executive, may opt to issue a letter or statement on behalf of OCLA, which will have been written and/or edited in conjunction with members of the Communications Committee in a timely manner
  • OCLA members will be advised in advance of any communications to be sent

Any opinions expressed directly to members of LiRN, FOLA, LSO, or any other affiliates, without following this protocol, are understood to be the sole opinion of the individual member, and not the collective opinion of the Ontario Courthouse Libraries Association (OCLA).

Approved: November 9, 2021

© Ontario Courthouse Libraries Association